Here is what is known to date! If you have had a change in status - please let me know! Email me at and please put Balladiers in the subject line!
Here is the list by years. I will post again alphabetically! Note not all parts are known so if you know parts for folks please email me at Thanks!
1970 | Howard Justice | Kenknight | Kathy | YES |
1981 | Goodreau | Cornell | UNKNOWN | |
1982 | Greeenamyer | Tracy | UNKNOWN | |
1982 | Simpson | Love | Lisa | UNKNOWN |
1982 | Smith | Rob | UNKNOWN | |
1982 | Tannery | Todd | UNKNOWN | |
Freds | Freds | Chris | UNKNOWN | |
1961/62 | Curtiss | Robert | UNKNOWN | |
1961/62 | Fillmore | Ron | UNKNOWN | |
1961/62 | Foss | Foss | Alice | UNKNOWN |
1961/62 | Hennesey | Throop | Ellen | UNKNOWN |
1961/62 | Hudson | Sowle | Patti | YES |
1961/62 | King | King | Phyllis | UNKNOWN |
1961/62 | Knaus | Dan | UNKNOWN | |
1961/62 | Norton | Joe | UNKNOWN | |
1961/62 | Parshall | Larry | UNKNOWN | |
1961/62 | Phipps | From | Melanie | YES |
1961/62 | Phipps | John | YES | |
1961/62 | Tarr | Tarr | Kathy | NO |
1962/63 | Farst | Farst | Linda | UNKNOWN |
1962/63 | Feller | Mark | YES | |
1962/63 | Fillmore | Ron | UNKNOWN | |
1962/63 | Galliers | Mike | MAYBE | |
1962/63 | Grinnell | Grinnell | Kay | UNKNOWN |
1962/63 | Gwinn | Gwinn | Judy | UNKNOWN |
1962/63 | Hennesey | Throop | Ellen | UNKNOWN |
1962/63 | King | David | UNKNOWN | |
1962/63 | McConnell | Mike | UNKNOWN | |
1962/63 | McConnell | Peter | UNKNOWN | |
1962/63 | Norton | Reppert | Esther | YES |
1962/63 | Phipps | From | Melanie | YES |
1962/63 | Rial | Dan | UNKNOWN | |
1963/64 | Farst | Linda | UNKNOWN | |
1963/64 | Feller | Mark | YES | |
1963/64 | Fillmore | Ron | UNKNOWN | |
1963/64 | Grinnell | Grinnell | Kay | UNKNOWN |
1963/64 | Gwinn | Gwinn | Judy | UNKNOWN |
1963/64 | Langford | Button | Charllotte | NO But attending |
1963/64 | McConnell | Mike | UNKNOWN | |
1963/64 | McConnell | Peter | UNKNOWN | |
1963/64 | Myers | Beach | Cozette | UNKNOWN |
1963/64 | Norton | Reppert | Esther | YES |
1963/64 | Rial | Dan | UNKNOWN | |
1963/64 | Smith | Doug | DECEASED | |
1964/65 | Bean | Brad | UNKNOWN | |
1964/65 | Bopp | Bill | UNKNOWN | |
1964/65 | Corwin | Doug | UNKNOWN | |
1964/65 | Farst | Linda | UNKNOWN | |
1964/65 | Feller | Mark | YES | |
1964/65 | Fillmore | Ron | UNKNOWN | |
1964/65 | Grinnell | Grinnell | Kay | UNKNOWN |
1964/65 | Loud | Loud | Lucy | UNKNOWN |
1964/65 | Myers | Beach | Cozette | UNKNOWN |
1964/65 | Parsons | Brenda | UNKNOWN | |
1964/65 | Pridgeon | Smith | Diane | YES |
1964/65 | Smith | Doug | DECEASED | |
1965/66 | Allison | Forbes | Marcia | NO |
1965/66 | Boyer | Boyer | Sandra | UNKNOWN |
1965/66 | Burkovskis | Mike | UNKNOWN | |
1965/66 | Corwin | Doug | UNKNOWN | |
1965/66 | DeLoach | Scott | UNKNOWN | |
1965/66 | Filmore | Ron | UNKNOWN | |
1965/66 | Greenich | Jerry | UNKNOWN | |
1965/66 | Loud | Loud | Lucy | UNKNOWN |
1965/66 | Pridgeon | Smith | Diane | YES |
1965/66 | Rile | Rile | Kathy | UNKNOWN |
1965/66 | Saunders | Goldinger | Nancy | YES |
1965/66 | Snyder | Tom | UNKNOWN | |
1966/67 | Boyer | Boyer | Sandra | UNKNOWN |
1966/67 | Clark | Terry | UNKNOWN | |
1966/67 | Clark | Terry | UNKNOWN | |
1966/67 | Corwin | Corwin | Lucinda (Cindy) | UNKNOWN |
1966/67 | Fillmore | Bob | DECEASED | |
1966/67 | Freethy | Freethy | Kathy | UNKNOWN |
1966/67 | Greenich | Jerry | UNKNOWN | |
1966/67 | Palmer | Gordon | UNKNOWN | |
1966/67 | Pridgeon | Smith | Diane | YES |
1966/67 | Reese | Wayne | NO | |
1966/67 | Staff | MacRae | Pamela | NO |
1966/67 | Stout | Brian | UNKNOWN | |
1966/67 | Worst | Worst | Sheryl | YES |
1967/68 | Bryne | Walkup | Debbie | YES |
1967/68 | Burkovski | Mike | UNKNOWN | |
1967/68 | Clark | Gooch | Linda | NO |
1967/68 | Clark | Gooch | Linda | NO |
1967/68 | Clark | Terry | UNKNOWN | |
1967/68 | Dinsmoor | Sewell | Janet | YES |
1967/68 | Doll | Mike | UNKNOWN | |
1967/68 | Fillmore | Bob | DECEASED | |
1967/68 | Freethy | Freethy | Barbara | UNKNOWN |
1967/68 | Gelfund | Neitzert | Diana | YES |
1967/68 | Greenich | Jerry | UNKNOWN | |
1967/68 | Hapner | Steven | UNKNOWN | |
1967/68 | Loud | Loud | Lucy | UNKNOWN |
1967/68 | Mooi | Chris | YES | |
1967/68 | Munn | Doug | YES | |
1967/68 | Olmsted | Olmsted | Nanette | UNKNOWN |
1967/68 | Palmer | Gordon | UNKNOWN | |
1967/68 | Pridgeon | Smith | Diane | YES |
1967/68 | Reese | Wayne | NO | |
1967/68 | Staff | MacRae | Pamela | UNKNOWN |
1967/68 | Stout | Brian | UNKNOWN | |
1967/68 | Worst | Worst | Sheryl | YES |
1968/69 | Almeda | (exchange Student) | Triskie | UNKNOWN |
1968/69 | Bopp | Jim | UNKNOWN | |
1968/69 | Byrne | Walkup | Debbie | YES |
1968/69 | Clark | Roger | UNKNOWN | |
1968/69 | Dinsmoor | Sewell | Janet | YES |
1968/69 | Doll | Mike | UNKNOWN | |
1968/69 | Gelfund | Neitzert | Diana | YES |
1968/69 | Hinderliter | Dale | UNKNOWN | |
1968/69 | Jones | Dan | DECEASED | |
1968/69 | Mooi | Chris | YES | |
1968/69 | Munn | Doug | YES | |
1968/69 | Olmsted | Olmsted | Nanette | UNKNOWN |
1968/69 | Pridgeon | Smith | Diana | YES |
1968/69 | Smith | Nolin | Suzanne | YES |
1968/69 | Snyder | Don | DECEASED | |
1968/69 | Wibert | Mike | YES | |
1968/69 | Williams | Williams | Jean Ann | UNKNOWN |
1968/69 | Zegarski | Zegarski | Diane | UNKNOWN |
1969/70 | Bradshaw | Claar | Soozi | YES |
1969/70 | Byrne | Walkup | Debbie | YES |
1969/70 | Clark | Roger | UNKNOWN | |
1969/70 | Dinsmoor | Sewell | Janet | YES |
1969/70 | Gelfund | Neitzert | Diane | YES |
1969/70 | Johnson | Flip | YES | |
1969/70 | Jones | Dan | DECEASED | |
1969/70 | Mooi | Chris | YES | |
1969/70 | Olmsted | Olmsted | Nanette | UNKNOWN |
1969/70 | Royer | Mike | YES | |
1969/70 | Smith | Nolin | Suzanne | YES |
1969/70 | Snyder | Don | DECEASED | |
1969/70 | Troyer | Jim | DECEASED | |
1969/70 | Voss | Tim | UNKNOWN | |
1969/70 | Voss | Bopp | Lois | YES |
1969/70 | Zegarski | Zegarski | Diane | UNKNOWN |
1970/71 | Barkowski | Vaughn | Sandy | YES |
1970/71 | Bradshaw | Claar | Soozi | YES |
1970/71 | Clark | Roger | UNKNOWN | |
1970/71 | Hefner | Dan | YES | |
1970/71 | Kline | Flickinger | Brenda | YES |
1970/71 | Langwell | Palmer | Johnna | NO |
1970/71 | Levasseur | Phelps | Janice | NO |
1970/71 | Mooi | Chris | YES | |
1970/71 | Royer | Mike | YES | |
1970/71 | Steele | Moore | Judy | UNKNOWN |
1970/71 | Troyer | Jim | DECEASED | |
1970/71 | Tubbs | Carl | NO | |
1970/71 | Voss | Tim | UNKNOWN | |
1970/71 | Voss | Bopp | Lois | YES |
1970/71 | Wise | Smith | Sue | MAYBE |
1970/71 | Woods | Paul | YES | |
1971/72 | Bradshaw | Claar | Soozi | YES |
1971/72 | Brayton | Greg | YES | |
1971/72 | Bregg | Joe | YES | |
1971/72 | Capella | Kremke | Pam | YES |
1971/72 | Kline | Flickinger | Brenda | YES |
1971/72 | Langwell | Palmer | Johnna | NO |
1971/72 | Levasseur | Phelps | Jan | NO |
1971/72 | Pickering | Rob | MAYBE | |
1971/72 | Royer | Mike | YES | |
1971/72 | Troyer | Jim | DECEASED | |
1971/72 | Tubbs | Carl | NO | |
1971/72 | Voss | Bopp | Lois | YES |
1971/72 | Voss | Dan | YES | |
1971/72 | White | Goodrich | Susan | UNKNOWN |
1971/72 | Wise | Smith | Sue | MAYBE |
1971/72 | Woods | Paul | YES | |
1972/73 | Brayton | Greg | YES | |
1972/73 | Capella | Kremke | Pam | YES |
1972/73 | d'Allemand | Mahaffey | Maggie | YES |
1972/73 | Endicott | Chris | DECEASED | |
1972/73 | Hart | Hart | Lauri | YES |
1972/73 | Kelly | Kelly | Anne | NO |
1972/73 | Kline | Flickinger | Brenda | YES |
1972/73 | Pickering | Rob | MAYBE | |
1972/73 | Reynolds | Jim | YES | |
1972/73 | Stokes | Duane | UNKNOWN | |
1972/73 | Stokes | John | UNKNOWN | |
1972/73 | Stokes | Mike | UNKNOWN | |
1972/73 | Syron | Uhl | Sue | YES |
1972/73 | Tubbs | Carl | NO | |
1972/73 | Voss | Dan | YES | |
1972/73 | White | Goodrich | Susan | UNKNOWN |
1973/74 | Bonnet | Thompson | Cindy | UNKNOWN |
1973/74 | Bristol | Deb | UNKNOWN | |
1973/74 | Burke | Tim | UNKNOWN | |
1973/74 | Dexter | Steve | UNKNOWN | |
1973/74 | Dirschell | Brian | UNKNOWN | |
1973/74 | Haadsma | Byrne | Carrie | YES |
1973/74 | Hart | Hart | Lauri | YES |
1973/74 | Hoffman | Sherri | UNKNOWN | |
1973/74 | Kelly | Kelly | Anne | NO |
1973/74 | Luke | Larry | YES | |
1973/74 | Martin | Dan | NO | |
1973/74 | Pickering | Rob | MAYBE | |
1973/74 | Syron | Uhl | Sue | YES |
1973/74 | Troyer | Phil | UNKNOWN | |
1973/74 | Voss | Pat | UNKNOWN | |
1974/75 | Bristol | Deb | UNKNOWN | |
1974/75 | Burke | Tim | UNKNOWN | |
1974/75 | Byrne | Carrie | YES | |
1974/75 | Claar | Tim | UNKNOWN | |
1974/75 | Davey | Jane | UNKNOWN | |
1974/75 | Dexter | Steve | UNKNOWN | |
1974/75 | Dirschell | Brian | UNKNOWN | |
1974/75 | Goodreau | Stacey | UNKNOWN | |
1974/75 | Hale | Tom | NO | |
1974/75 | Hoffman | Sherry | UNKNOWN | |
1974/75 | Luke | Larry | YES | |
1974/75 | Martin | Dan | NO | |
1974/75 | Meyer | Mark | UNKNOWN | |
1974/75 | Ogles | Pierce | Carol | UNKNOWN |
1974/75 | Perkins | Brenda | UNKNOWN | |
1974/75 | Shinsky | O'Neill | Cindy | UNKNOWN |
1974/75 | Syron | Uhl | Sue | YES |
1974/75 | Troyer | Phil | UNKNOWN | |
1975/76 | Bartlett | Dennis | UNKNOWN | |
1975/76 | Blair | Blair | Karen | UNKNOWN |
1975/76 | Davey | Davey | Jane | UNKNOWN |
1975/76 | Doll | Doll | Jane | UNKNOWN |
1975/76 | Gallup | Jeff | UNKNOWN | |
1975/76 | Hart | Gregg | YES | |
1975/76 | Miller | Brian | UNKNOWN | |
1975/76 | Moore | Moore | Sue | UNKNOWN |
1975/76 | Swain | Doug | UNKNOWN | |
1975/76 | Towns | Doug | UNKNOWN | |
1976/77 | Bartlett | Dennis | UNKNOWN | |
1976/77 | Blair | Blair | Karen | UNKNOWN |
1976/77 | Dearing | Dearing | Val | UNKNOWN |
1976/77 | Dearing | Dearing | Val | UNKNOWN |
1976/77 | Hart | Gregg | YES | |
1976/77 | Lopez | Trumbell | Becky | UNKNOWN |
1976/77 | Miller | Brian | UNKNOWN | |
1976/77 | Moore | Moore | Sue | UNKNOWN |
1976/77 | Swain | Doug | UNKNOWN | |
1976/77 | Towns | Doug | UNKNOWN | |
1976/77 | Wibert | McLauglin | Annette | YES |
1976/77 | Widener | Widener | Annette | UNKNOWN |
1977/78 | Davidson | Ruse | Kim | NO |
1977/78 | Gibbs | Steven | UNKNOWN | |
1977/78 | Hale | Dan | YES | |
1977/78 | Hart | Gregg | YES | |
1977/78 | Holben | Christopher | YES | |
1977/78 | Kline | Kline | Sue | UNKNOWN |
1977/78 | Luke | Douglas | Amy | YES |
1977/78 | Maxson | Maxson | Tammy | UNKNOWN |
1977/78 | Maxson | Maxson | Tammy | UNKNOWN |
1977/78 | Shoup | Scantlen | Ruth | NO |
1977/78 | Wibert | McLauglin | Annette | YES |
1977/78 | Yope | Wiltse | Diana | YES |
1978/79 | Albright | Pat | UNKNOWN | |
1978/79 | Berger | Whitesides | Jalene | NO |
1978/79 | Cope | Doug | NO | |
1978/79 | Denbrock | Susan | UNKNOWN | |
1978/79 | Elliott | Alan | UNKNOWN | |
1978/79 | Goodreau | Goodreau | Kristen | UNKNOWN |
1978/79 | Hale | Dan | YES | |
1978/79 | Holben | Christopher | YES | |
1978/79 | Holcomb | Linda | UNKNOWN | |
1978/79 | Klein | Suzanne | UNKNOWN | |
1978/79 | Luke | Douglas | Amy | YES |
1978/79 | Milnes | Mark | UNKNOWN | |
1978/79 | Payne | Sherry | UNKNOWN | |
1978/79 | Pierson | Pamela | UNKNOWN | |
1978/79 | Rowland | Lundstrum | Ann | NO |
1978/79 | Shoup | Scantlen | Susan | YES |
1978/79 | Ufkes | Timothy | UNKNOWN | |
1978/79 | Yope | Wiltse | Diana | YES |
1979/80 | Allen | Craig | UNKNOWN | |
1979/80 | Allen | Tanis Jo | YES | |
1979/80 | Ash | Sara | UNKNOWN | |
1979/80 | Barber | Kelley | Norma | UNKNOWN |
1979/80 | Berger | Whitesides | Jalene | NO |
1979/80 | Breitbach | Maire | Renee | YES |
1979/80 | Conley | Robart | Val | MAYBE |
1979/80 | Elliott | Alan | UNKNOWN | |
1979/80 | Goodreau | Cornell | YES | |
1979/80 | Headley | Kelly | UNKNOWN | |
1979/80 | Hunter | Inde | Julie | UNKNOWN |
1979/80 | Lagro | Troy | YES | |
1979/80 | Olszewski | Karen | UNKNOWN | |
1979/80 | Reeves | Heinemann | Karen | YES |
1979/80 | Rose | Rex | UNKNOWN | |
1979/80 | Rowland | Lundstrum | Ann | NO |
1979/80 | Smith | Vicki | UNKNOWN | |
1979/80 | Stipe | Ron | UNKNOWN | |
1979/80 | Whitesides | Mark | UNKNOWN | |
1979/80 | Yope | Wiltse | Diana | YES |
1979/80 | Youngquist | Mark | YES | |
1980/81 | Allen | Craig | UNKNOWN | |
1980/81 | Ash | Sara | UNKNOWN | |
1980/81 | Belmore | Nofz | Dana | YES |
1980/81 | Breitbach | Maire | Renee | YES |
1980/81 | Butler | Holben | Julie | YES |
1980/81 | Conley | Robart | Val | MAYBE |
1980/81 | Galliers | Mike | UNKNOWN | |
1980/81 | Goodreau | Cornell | YES | |
1980/81 | Harris | Ruse | Kirsten | UNKNOWN |
1980/81 | Hughes | Joe | UNKNOWN | |
1980/81 | LaGro | Troy | YES | |
1980/81 | Parker | Colleen | UNKNOWN | |
1980/81 | Quick | Brenda | NO | |
1980/81 | Reeves | Heinemann | Karen | YES |
1980/81 | Smith | Rider | Barb | UNKNOWN |
1980/81 | Themanson | Fuhrmann | Melanie | NO |
1980/81 | Walker | Nate | UNKNOWN | |
1980/81 | Whitesides | Mark | UNKNOWN | |
1980/81 | York | Barry | DECEASED | |
1981/82 | Belmore | Nofz | Dana | YES |
1981/82 | Conley | Robart | Val | MAYBE |
1981/82 | Fullmer | Fullmer | Tyler | UNKNOWN |
1981/82 | Harris | Ruse | Kirsten | UNKNOWN |
1981/82 | Klein | Schorfhaar | Julie | YES |
1981/82 | Schorfhaar | Klein | Julie | YES |
1981/82 ? | Allen | Craig | UNKNOWN | |
1982/83 | Butler | Holben | Julie | YES |
1982/83 | Byers | Byers | Candy | UNKNOWN |
1982/83 | Cecil | Carl | UNKNOWN | |
1982/83 | Conrad | Stankey | Martha | UNKNOWN |
1982/83 | Ermisch | Heather | UNKNOWN | |
1982/83 | Fillmore | Fillmore | Barb | UNKNOWN |
1982/83 | Garman | Jim | UNKNOWN | |
1982/83 | Howell | Ewers | Amy | YES |
1982/83 | Hughes | Joe | UNKNOWN | |
1982/83 | King | King | Alanna | UNKNOWN |
1982/83 | Milnes | Bill | UNKNOWN | |
1982/83 | Pifer | Kurt | UNKNOWN | |
1982/83 | Rubley | Gerald | YES | |
1982/83 | Ufkes | Todd | UNKNOWN | |
1982/83 | White | Bob | UNKNOWN | |
1984/85 | Albright | Mindy | UNKNOWN | |
1984/85 | Cecil | Carl | UNKNOWN | |
1984/85 | Diehm | Horton | Marnie | YES |
1984/85 | Garman | Jim | UNKNOWN | |
1984/85 | Hess | Steve | UNKNOWN | |
1984/85 | Horn | Cazier | Shellie | UNKNOWN |
1984/85 | Langley | Christina | UNKNOWN | |
1984/85 | McCauley | Tim | UNKNOWN | |
1984/85 | Meade | Sellers | Lisa | UNKNOWN |
1984/85 | Milioni | Knapp | Ladaere | NO |
1984/85 | Miller | Flip | UNKNOWN | |
1984/85 | Milnes | Bill | UNKNOWN | |
1984/85 | Petty | Angela | UNKNOWN | |
1984/85 | Rasmussen | Tracie | UNKNOWN | |
1984/85 | Robart | Vaughn | UNKNOWN | |
1984/85 | Toth | Shawn | UNKNOWN | |
1984/85 | Vukmirovich | Blansit | Lisa | MAYBE |
1985/86 | Angle | Patrick | UNKNOWN | |
1985/86 | Billman | Tracy | UNKNOWN | |
1985/86 | Dean | Dustin | UNKNOWN | |
1985/86 | Diehm | Horton | Marnie | YES |
1985/86 | Feller | Brian | NO | |
1985/86 | Galliers | Matt | UNKNOWN | |
1985/86 | Horn | Cazier | Shellie | UNKNOWN |
1985/86 | Langley | Christina | UNKNOWN | |
1985/86 | McCalferty | Michael | UNKNOWN | |
1985/86 | McCauley | Tim | UNKNOWN | |
1985/86 | Milioni | Knapp | Ladaere | NO |
1985/86 | Miller | Phillip | UNKNOWN | |
1985/86 | Milnes | Bill | UNKNOWN | |
1985/86 | Swick | Elizabeth | UNKNOWN | |
1985/86 | Vukmirovich | Blansit | Lisa | MAYBE |
1986/87 | Angle | Patrick | UNKNOWN | |
1986/87 | Brown | Chelle | UNKNOWN | |
1986/87 | Dally | Tyler | UNKNOWN | |
1986/87 | Davidson | Stephanie | UNKNOWN | |
1986/87 | Dean | Dustin | UNKNOWN | |
1986/87 | Diehm | Horton | Marnie | YES |
1986/87 | Feller | Brian | UNKNOWN | |
1986/87 | Galliers | Matt | UNKNOWN | |
1986/87 | Hensch | Jenny | UNKNOWN | |
1986/87 | Hess | Aaron | UNKNOWN | |
1986/87 | Hess | Andy | UNKNOWN | |
1986/87 | Horn | Cazier | Shellie | UNKNOWN |
1986/87 | Lewis | Robin | UNKNOWN | |
1986/87 | McCafferty | Michael | UNKNOWN | |
1986/87 | McCauley | Tim | UNKNOWN | |
1986/87 | Milioni | Knapp | Ladeare | NO |
1986/87 | Porter | Russ | UNKNOWN | |
1986/87 | Quackenbush | Mike | UNKNOWN | |
1986/87 | Stempien | Dena | UNKNOWN | |
1986/87 | Volkmer | Michelle | UNKNOWN | |
1986/87 | Vukmirovich | Blansit | Lisa | MAYBE |
1987/88 | Angle | Patrick | UNKNOWN | |
1987/88 | Brodt | Robin | UNKNOWN | |
1987/88 | Bytwerk | Heather | UNKNOWN | |
1987/88 | Dally | Tyler | UNKNOWN | |
1987/88 | Davidson | Jennie | UNKNOWN | |
1987/88 | Dean | Dustin | UNKNOWN | |
1987/88 | Feller | Brian | UNKNOWN | |
1987/88 | Galliers | Matt | UNKNOWN | |
1987/88 | Gnadt | Jodi | UNKNOWN | |
1987/88 | Haferty | Dena | UNKNOWN | |
1987/88 | Hatfield | Tara | UNKNOWN | |
1987/88 | Hushouse | Wendy | UNKNOWN | |
1987/88 | Kilgus | Sterling | Lisha | MAYBE |
1987/88 | McCafferty | Michael | UNKNOWN | |
1987/88 | McNabb | Stout | Jodi | YES |
1987/88 | Milioni | Knapp | Ladeare | NO |
1987/88 | Spence | Christopher | UNKNOWN | |
1987/88 | Volkmer | Michelle | UNKNOWN | |
1987/88 | Vukmirovich | Blansit | Lisa | MAYBE |
1988/89 | Barnes | Steve | DECEASED | |
1988/89 | Dally | Tyler | UNKNOWN | |
1988/89 | Davidson | Jennifer | UNKNOWN | |
1988/89 | Dean | Dustin | UNKNOWN | |
1988/89 | Deloach | Meagan | UNKNOWN | |
1988/89 | Dosier | Nate | UNKNOWN | |
1988/89 | Feller | Brian | UNKNOWN | |
1988/89 | Fox | Jennifer | UNKNOWN | |
1988/89 | Halferty | Dena | UNKNOWN | |
1988/89 | KIlgus | Sterling | Lisha | MAYBE |
1988/89 | Koenemann | Jason | UNKNOWN | |
1988/89 | Lothamer | Jammie | UNKNOWN | |
1988/89 | McCloskey | Matt | UNKNOWN | |
1988/89 | McNabb | Stout | Jody | YES |
1988/89 | Mollenkopf | Mollenkopf | Kimberly | UNKNOWN |
1988/89 | Spence | Christopher | UNKNOWN | |
1988/89 | Volkmer | Michelle | UNKNOWN | |
1989/90 | Barnes | Steve | DECEASED | |
1989/90 | Dally | Tyler | UNKNOWN | |
1989/90 | Davidson | Davidson | Jennifer | UNKNOWN |
1989/90 | James | Michael | MAYBE | |
1989/90 | Kilgus | Sterling | Lisha | MAYBE |
1989/90 | McNabb | Stout | Jody | YES |
1989/90 | Mollenhopf | Mollenkopf | Kimberly | UNKNOWN |
1989/90 | Spence | Christopher | UNKNOWN | |
1989/90 | Stevens | Williams | Martia | NO |
1990/91 | Booher | Casto | Amy | UNKNOWN |
1990/91 | Buys | Buys | Sarah | UNKNOWN |
1990/91 | Dally | Ryan | UNKNOWN | |
1990/91 | Densmore | Densmore | Tammy | UNKNOWN |
1990/91 | Fillmore | Fillmore | Courtney | UNKNOWN |
1990/91 | Hindbaugh | Hindbaugh | Allison | UNKNOWN |
1990/91 | James | Michael | MAYBE | |
1990/91 | Lothamer | Lothamer | Jammie | UNKNOWN |
1990/91 | McNabb | Stout | Jody | YES |
1990/91 | Spence | Christopher | UNKNOWN | |
1990/91 | Stevens | Williams | Martia | NO |
1991/92 | Booher | Casto | Amy | UNKNOWN |
1991/92 | Buys | Buys | Sarah | UNKNOWN |
1991/92 | Daily | Ryan | UNKNOWN | |
1991/92 | Forster | Forster | Shanneen | NO |
1991/92 | Fosdick | Travis | UNKNOWN | |
1991/92 | Hindbaugh | Hindbaugh | Allison | UNKNOWN |
1991/92 | Hurley | Hurley | Jenny | UNKNOWN |
1991/92 | Jacobs | Jacobs | Melany | UNKNOWN |
1991/92 | Robison | Jeff | UNKNOWN | |
1991/92 | Smith | Patton | Jenny | UNKNOWN |
1991/92 | Wagner | Kelly | UNKNOWN | |
1992/93 | Anderson | Chris | UNKNOWN | |
1992/93 | Armstrong | Doug | UNKNOWN | |
1992/93 | Booher | Casto | Amy | UNKNOWN |
1992/93 | Forster | Forster | Shanneen | NO |
1992/93 | Hindbaugh | Hindbaugh | Allison | UNKNOWN |
1992/93 | Jacobs | Jacobs | Melany | UNKNOWN |
1992/93 | Krieger | Krieger | Cary | UNKNOWN |
1992/93 | Letender | Howard | Angie | NO |
1992/93 | Morrell | Brois | Ann | YES |
1992/93 | Morris | Parks | Katina | UNKNOWN |
1992/93 | Shepard | Shepard | Theresa | UNKNOWN |
1992/93 | Smith | Patton | Jenny | UNKNOWN |
1992/93 | Wagner | Kelly | UNKNOWN | |
1992/93 | Welch | Gee | Alexis | UNKNOWN |
1993/94 | Forster | Forster | Shaneen | NO |
1993/94 | Morrell | Brois | Ann | YES |
1993/94 | Sherwood | Allen | MAYBE | |
1993/94 | Welch | Gee | Alexis | UNKNOWN |
1994/95 | Forster | Forster | Shaneen | NO |
1995/96 | Anderson | Chris | UNKNOWN | |
1995/96 | Bappart | Steve | UNKNOWN | |
1995/96 | Bell | Voss | Kate | UNKNOWN |
1995/96 | Bowers | Nathan | UNKNOWN | |
1995/96 | Bradshaw | Nathan | MAYBE | |
1995/96 | Brown | Ben | NO | |
1995/96 | Budzinski | Kim | UNKNOWN | |
1995/96 | Cross | Steve | UNKNOWN | |
1995/96 | Garman | Cindy | UNKNOWN | |
1995/96 | Martinen | Catherine | UNKNOWN | |
1995/96 | Osborn | Sara | UNKNOWN | |
1995/96 | Parker | Chad | UNKNOWN | |
1995/96 | Parks | Matt | UNKNOWN | |
1995/96 | Robison | Jeff | UNKNOWN | |
1995/96 | Strawser | Strawster | Jennifer | UNKNOWN |
1995/96 | Watson | Angela | UNKNOWN | |
1995/96 | Wilber | Brandy | UNKNOWN | |
1995/96 | Yoder | Robson | Susan | UNKNOWN |
1996-1999 | Kilgus | Sterling | Lisha | MAYBE |
1996/97 | Bell | Voss | Kate | UNKNOWN |
1996/97 | Brown | Ben | NO | |
1996/97 | Budzinski | Kim | UNKNOWN | |
1996/97 | Cross | Steve | UNKNOWN | |
1996/97 | Losey | Stratos | Stephanie | UNKNOWN |
1996/97 | Parks | Matt | UNKNOWN | |
1996/97 | Watson | Angela | UNKNOWN | |
1997/98 | Brown | Ben | NO | |
1998/1999 | Smith | Bradshaw | Amy | YES |
1998/99 | Blount | Tosha | UNKNOWN | |
1998/99 | Bowers | Nathan | UNKNOWN | |
1998/99 | Brown | Bryan | UNKNOWN | |
1998/99 | French | French | Katy | MAYBE |
1998/99 | Gulinska | Voss | Sarah | UNKNOWN |
1998/99 | Hodson | Chris | UNKNOWN | |
1998/99 | Losey | Stratos | Stephanie | UNKNOWN |
1998/99 | Losey | Statos | Stephanie | UNKNOWN |
1998/99 | Magley | Kyle | UNKNOWN | |
1998/99 | Marvin | Mike | UNKNOWN | |
1998/99 | Marvin | Mike | UNKNOWN | |
1998/99 | Minard | Tomlinson | Erin | UNKNOWN |
1998/99 | Prater | Amanda | UNKNOWN | |
1998/99 | Siewert | Jason | UNKNOWN | |
1998/99 | Smith | Bradshaw | Amy | YES |
1998/99 | Smith | Bradshaw | Amy | YES |
1998/99 | Snyder | Alexis | UNKNOWN | |
1998/99 | Stiles | Heather | UNKNOWN | |
1998/99 | VanNasdale | Tim | UNKNOWN | |
1998/99 | Wilber | Nathan | UNKNOWN | |
1998/99 | Worland | Epps | Mary | UNKNOWN |
1999/00 | Burrows | Kristi | UNKNOWN | |
1999/00 | Gulinska | Voss | Sarah | UNKNOWN |
1999/00 | Hodson | Chris | UNKNOWN | |
1999/00 | Losey | Statos | Stephanie | UNKNOWN |
1999/00 | Marvin | Mike | UNKNOWN | |
1999/00 | Ogles | Jonah | UNKNOWN | |
1999/00 | Stiles | Heather | UNKNOWN | |
1999/00 | VanNasdale | Tim | UNKNOWN | |
1999/2000 | Blount | Tosha | UNKNOWN | |
1999/2000 | Brown | Bryan | UNKNOWN | |
1999/2000 | Castle | Patrick | UNKNOWN | |
1999/2000 | DiPierro | Epps | Danielle | MAYBE |
1999/2000 | Gulinska | Voss | Sarah | UNKNOWN |
1999/2000 | Miard | Tomlinson | Erin | UNKNOWN |
1999/2000 | Ogles | Jonah | ||
1999/2000 | Rose | Burrows | Kristy | UNKNOWN |
1999/2000 | Siewert | Jason | UNKNOWN | |
1999/2000 | Smith | Bradshaw | Amy | YES |
1999/2000 | Stiles | Heather | UNKNOWN | |
1999/2000 | VanNasdale | Tim | UNKNOWN | |
1999/2000 | Wilber | Nathan | UNKNOWN | |
1999/2000 | Worland | Epps | Mary | UNKNOWN |
2000/01 | Blount | Tosha | UNKNOWN | |
2000/01 | Burnett | Peggy | UNKNOWN | |
2000/01 | Cooley | Kellie | UNKNOWN | |
2000/01 | DiPierro | Epps | Danielle | MAYBE |
2000/01 | Epps | Epps | Stephanie | UNKNOWN |
2000/01 | Foley | Allison | UNKNOWN | |
2000/01 | Foley | Shaneen | UNKNOWN | |
2000/01 | Gray | Renner | Stephanie | UNKNOWN |
2000/01 | Hemker | David | UNKNOWN | |
2000/01 | Kelly | Jenafer | UNKNOWN | |
2000/01 | Lillis | Bethany | NO | |
2000/01 | Mahle | Sarah | UNKNOWN | |
2000/01 | Morse | Christoper | UNKNOWN | |
2000/01 | Piatt | Nathan | UNKNOWN | |
2000/01 | Rose | Burrows | Kristy | UNKNOWN |
2000/01 | Tacheny | Haas | Jennifer | NO |
2000/01 | Tomlinson | Tiffany | UNKNOWN | |
2000/01 | Ward | Cara | UNKNOWN | |
2000/2001 | Brown | Bryan | UNKNOWN | |
2001/02 | Castle | Patrick | UNKNOWN | |
2001/02 | Rurka | Eric | UNKNOWN | |
2001/02 | Shemel | Greg | UNKNOWN | |
2001/02 | VanNasdale | Tim | UNKNOWN | |
2002/03 | Cappella | Elizabeth | NO | |
2002/03 | Ogles | Sam | YES | |
2002/03 | VanTassell | Wilson | Sarah | YES |
2003-2006 | Markillie | Mottinger | Kelly | MAYBE |
2003/04 | Brauker | Ted | UNKNOWN | |
2003/04 | Cappella | Elizabeth | NO | |
2003/04 | Epps | Epps | Stephanie | UNKNOWN |
2003/04 | Goehler | Matt | UNKNOWN | |
2003/04 | Haas | Jennifer | UNKNOWN | |
2003/04 | Jabour | Charles | UNKNOWN | |
2003/04 | Mottinger | Mottinger | Kelly | UNKNOWN |
2003/04 | Ogles | Sam | YES | |
2003/04 | Saddler | Ryan | UNKNOWN | |
2003/04 | Shemel | Greg | UNKNOWN | |
2003/04 | Tomlinson | Trevor | MAYBE | |
2003/04 | Tomlinson | Micah | UNKNOWN | |
2003/04 | VanTassell | Wilson | Sarah | YES |
2003/04 | Wilson | Wilson | Richelle | NO |
2003/2004 | Rafferty | Jones | Angela | NO |
2004/05 | Cappella | Elizabeth | NO | |
2004/05 | Ogles | Sam | YES | |
2004/05 | VanTassell | Wilson | Sarah | YES |
2004/05 | Wilson | Wilson | Richelle | NO |
2005/06 | Bailey | Bill | UNKNOWN | |
2005/06 | Bartlett | Tyler | UNKNOWN | |
2005/06 | Brauker | Brauker | Rebecca | UNKNOWN |
2005/06 | Goehler | Matt | UNKNOWN | |
2005/06 | Mottinger | Mottinger | Kelly | UNKNOWN |
2005/06 | Oliver | Oliver | Mary | UNKNOWN |
2005/06 | Parr | Parr | Emily | UNKNOWN |
2005/06 | Pfost | Nick | UNKNOWN | |
2005/06 | Shepard | Sach | UNKNOWN | |
2005/06 | Thompson | Micah | UNKNOWN | |
2005/06 | Wilson | Wilson | Richelle | NO |
2005/06 | Wilson | Wilson | Sara | UNKNOWN |
2006/07 | Brown | Oneill | Morgan | MAYBE |
2006/07 | Shirk | Bryan | NO | |
2006/2007 | Lillis | Lillis | Jessie | NO |
2007/08 | Brown | Oneill | Morgan | MAYBE |
2007/08 | Lillis | Lillis | Jessie | NO |
2007/08 | Shirk | Bryan | NO | |
2008/09 | Lillis | Jessie | NO | |
2009/10 | Caswell | Caswell | Tara | YES |
2010/11 | Caswell | Caswell | Tara | YES |
2010/2011 | Bailey | Molly | NO | |
2010/2011 | Littley | Mariah | YES | |
2010/2011 | Milliman | Katie | YES | |
2011/2012 | Caswell | Nikolaus | UNKNOWN | |
2011/2012 | Clary | Kyle | NO | |
2011/2012 | Covert | Jacob | UNKNOWN | |
2011/2012 | Dally | Natalie | UNKNOWN | |
2011/2012 | Glei | Rebecca | UNKNOWN | |
2011/2012 | Hicks | Emily | UNKNOWN | |
2011/2012 | Hicks | Ben | YES | |
2011/2012 | Hodgson | Tyler | UNKNOWN | |
2011/2012 | Hodson | Aubrey | UNKNOWN | |
2011/2012 | Littley | Mariah | YES | |
2011/2012 | Miller | Miller | Jordan | UNKNOWN |
2011/2012 | Milliman | Katie | YES | |
2011/2012 | Montgomery | William | UNKNOWN | |
2011/2012 | Sherman | Keegan | NO | |
2011/2012 | Vincent | Ben | UNKNOWN | |
Capestany | Loud | Martha | UNKNOWN | |
Castle | Castle | Mary | UNKNOWN | |
Chirico | Andrew | UNKNOWN | ||
Clary | Clary | Kristen | UNKNOWN | |
Counterman | Johnathon | UNKNOWN | ||
Custer | Amy | UNKNOWN | ||
Dally | Natalie | UNKNOWN | ||
Denbrock | Holcomb | Linda | UNKNOWN | |
Denbrock | Steven | UNKNOWN | ||
Densmore | Tricia | UNKNOWN | ||
Donbrock | Abby | UNKNOWN | ||
Dove | Dove | Kayla | UNKNOWN | |
Fast | Fast | Justin | YES | |
Filmore | Filmore | Courtney | UNKNOWN | |
Foust | Chad | NO | ||
Hart | Hart | Chelsea | UNKNOWN | |
Hicks | Emily | UNKNOWN | ||
Hobson | Aubrey | UKNOWN | ||
Leazenby | Foust | Carrie | UNKNOWN | |
Lindquist | Tom | NO | ||
Mathis | Mathis | Ruth | UNKNOWN | |
Metzger | Jacobs | Melanie | UNKNOWN | |
Metzger | Metzger | Sharon | UNKNOWN | |
Metzger | Shane | UNKNOWN | ||
North | Lothamer | Jammie | NO | |
Parker | Jessica | UNKNOWN | ||
Parker | Josh | UNKNOWN | ||
Parks | Morris | Katrina | UNKNOWN | |
Richer | Baker | Tracy | UNKNOWN | |
Rose | Rose | Avery | MAYBE | |
Smith | Rider | Barbara | UNKNOWN | |
Snell | David | UNKNOWN | ||
Snyder | Thomas | UNKNOWN | ||
Snyder | Goodreau | Stacey | YES | |
Sowers | Kelly | Ann | NO | |
Stokes | Douglas | NO | ||
Streets | Kasey | UNKNOWN | ||
Tucker | Olszewski | Karen | YES | |
Tuley | Davidson | Jennifer | UNKNOWN | |
Ward | Cecelia | UNKNOWN | ||
White | Headley | Kelly | NO | |
Wilson | Niki | UNKNOWN | ||
Wilson | Flip | UNKNOWN | ||
Worland | Epps | Mary | UNKNOWN | |
Ziems | Auten | Jennifer | UNKNOWN | |
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