Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Saturday, August 25, 2012  
STARRING...Coldwater Reunion Band, Coldwater Reunion Balladier Chorus, Coldwater Reunion Sweet Adeline Chorus....Randall Hazelbaker Jazz Quartet, Greg Brayton, Christian Rock Band, Sons of the Sand, Jim Dove and Band, Goodley Rubenson Band, Mike Himebaugh., Sam Russo, Mike Gorecki and Pete Fair, Delbert Walling, Mark Feller, These Three Guys, Lovie Howell, Brenda Flickinger Kline......more will be added!!...... rock and roll bands, ensembles, quartets, trios, duos, soloists.

All proceeds to go to the Tibbits Opera House and the Irma English Scholarship Fund.

Performances inside the Tibbits and in the festival area.

Food vendors, drink vendors, meet and greet areas!

Balladiers will be rehearsing on Friday, August 24th (this is being verified) - details forthcoming. Learning tracks are being created and will be available through a Drop Box invitation from me (Brenda Flickinger Kline)!I am also putting together the Balladier Database for this event and for future events to come. Even if you cannot participate in August 2012, please contact me with the information - noted at the end of this post!

Pass along the word of the August 25th event to former Band, Choir, Balladiers and Sweet Adelines and others with music ability or those who enjoy music!

Soon articles will be appearing locally in the Coldwater Daily Reporter. For those out of town you can access the newspaper at:  http://www.thedailyreporter.com/homepage

For continually updated info you can check the following:

(Sign up at this blog and you will receive automatic update notices!)

Email Balladier info needed - noted below to:
Brenda Flickinger Kline
(Balladier 1970-71, 71-72, 72-73)

First Name:
Maiden Name:
Last Name:
Mailing Address: (Street or POB, City, ST, Zip)
Home phone:
Cell Phone:
Email Address:
Year(s) in Balladiers:  (Specify 19?? Or 20??)
Part you Sang in Balladiers:
Part you Currently sing:


Friday, April 13, 2012

BALLADIERS 1970-1973

1970-71 Balladiers
L-R (rear) Dan Hefner, Roger Clark, Tim Voss, Chris Mooi, Jim Troyer, Carl Tubbs, Mike Royer and Paul Woods
(front) Soozi Claar Bradshaw, Johnna Palmer Langwell, Lois Bopp Voss, Sandy Vaughn, Jan Phelps, Brenda Flickinger Kline, Judy Moore Steele, Sue Smith Wise

1970-71 Balladiers
L-R (rear) Roger Clark, Paul Woods, Dan Hefner, Chris Mooi, Carl Tubbs, Mike Royer, Jim Troyer and Tim Voss
(front) Johnna Palmer Langwell, Soozi Claar Bradshaw, Sandy Vaughn, Judy Moore Steele, Lois Bopp Voss, Jan Phelps, Sue Smith Wise and Brenda Flickinger Kline

1971-72 Balladiers
L-R (rear) Joe Bregg, Lois Bopp Voss, Greg Brayton, Carl Tubbs, Mike Royer, Sue Goodrich, Dan Voss and Brenda Flickinger Kline

(middle) Soozi Claar Bradshaw, Jan Phelps, Pam Kremke Cappella, Sue Smith Wise,                     and Johnna Palmer Langwell

(front) Rob Pickering, Paul Woods, Jim Troyer

1972-73 Balladiers

L-R (rear) Rob Pickering, Mike Stokes, Duane Stokes, Mike Stokes, Jim Reynolds,

(middle) Dan Voss, Anne Kelly, Lauri Hart, Sue Uhl, Sue Goodrich, Maggie Mahaffey d'Allemand

(front) Carl Tubbs, Pam Kremke Cappella, Greg Brayton and Brenda Flickinger Kline

The Director for each of these years was Guy "Skip" Frizzell

Photo of Mr. Frizzell - Courtesy of Paul Woods

Sadly "Skip" passed away on July 28, 2012.




 In 1961, Douglas Hoopingarner, organized the Coldwater High School Balladiers. Mr. Hoopingarner was a music instructor at the high school at that time. Mr. Hoopingarner shared the following story with me regarding the conception of the Balladiers:

"I was hauled into the principals office one day at the beginning of a new year. Kermit Dennis informed me that I could not have two days each week vacant. You see the 'Cardinal' choir was only meeting Monday, Wednesday, Friday of each week. He said that he had to justify my hours before the school board. I said to him "fine! Where are the students of the choir on T and Th?" He said that most of them were in 'study hall'. I went down there and saw these kids all sitting there. I then went back to the principal and told him that I wanted these twelve students taken out of S.H. and brought to the music room. He did that and these twelve came to me. I told them what we were going to do and that they would become this special singing group. They were delighted. The name was bantered back and forth and finally we all agreed. Kathy Tarr was the biggest spokesman for the group at the time and I think she along with two others got the original 'crest' going that we wore on our coats. We settled on blue blazers and grey pants then. The following year I expanded the group to 16 ( four singers to a part). So that is the founding of the group called the 'Balladiers".

From left, seated: Phyllis King, Kathy Tarr, Alice Foss, Doug Hoopingarner.
From left, standing: Joe Norton, Melanie From, Bob Curtiss, Larry Parshall, Ellen Jo Throop, Dan Knauss, Patti Sowle, John Phipps, Ron Fillmore. 
Photo courtesy of John Phipps and Brenda Flickinger Kline

Vocalists from the Coldwater High School choir were selected to form the select ensemble. The next director of the chorus and Balladier ensemble was Mr. Arvid Berg, followed by Mr. Guy "Skip" Frizzell. The Balladiers has distinguised itself in competition and concerts. During my time as a three year Balladier, under the direction of Mr. Frizzell the concentration was predominantly upon madrigal music, although we also presented Christmas concerts during the holiday season at various venues and also performed sacred and pop selections as well.


In 1971 - the Balladiers began fundraising for a European Tour - raising $10.200 through car washes, concessions at the Branch County Fair and other events, candy sales, concets and more. On June 15, 1972 the Balladiers along with some other citizens of the community traveled abroad, visiting England, Scotland, Wales, Belgium, the Netherlands and West Germany. A visit to Coldwater's Sister City in Soltau Germany was one of the highlights of the trip.

Photo courtesy of the Coldwater Daily Reporter 1972

While abroad, the ensemble had the privilege of singing at Westminister Abbey in London, England and we were told that we were the very first American choir to climb the bell tour of the Abbey.


Without a doubt my time in Balladiers was one of the highlights not only of my high school years but of my life as well.

 My life's journey has taken me from Coldwater to IN, VA, WI, CA, MA, NH, AK and back to CA. I have yet to make it to any of my high school reunions but have attended 2 Balladier reunions over the years with a third one planned for August 2012. More about the reunions in another blog entry!